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stylist on photoshoot with model for personal brandingPowerhouse personal branding client Natalie Coulson knows the power of keeping up appearances

After working in the magazine publishing industry for over 15 years, with global companies in Australia and abroad, Natalie Coulson is no stranger to the power of branding.

Natalie loved nothing more than writing for reputable publications and presenting advertising opportunities to clients. She had a talented design team at the ready to create dream campaigns with high-end photography and styling.  So it came as a bit of a shock when she started her own business, and realised just how much goes into launching and running a successful one. 

“I started out with a basic logo and elevator pitch, Natalie says, “and became a networking maven. But, while I was able to secure clients and steady work with this approach, one massive element was missing”.

A kick ass brand.

By her own admission Natalie says she was playing it small.  Without the kick ass brand she wasn’t able to show up effectively online, or pitch for opportunities requiring a ‘high-res photo’ and bio.

The journey from then to now has been one of intense brand strategy.  Laying the foundations with a strong logo, brand positioning statement, and studying competitors to see how she could differentiate her new business in the marketplace.

During the process Natalie realised she needed to step outside of her comfort zone and do precisely what she had been championing her own clients to do.  Invest in professional personal branding images.

Trust is key

Find your team and trust them!  After we worked closely on brand image, understood where and how Natalie wanted to use her images, she trusted us and went for it.  99.99% of our clients start out being uncomfortable in front of the camera.  So it’s great to see the change in them as they go through the process, trust in the team, and enjoy the experience.

Powerhouse personal branding results

In the six months since our shoot, I’ve felt confident showing up regularly online.

Every time I post one of my professional images, LinkedIn engagement skyrockets, my email open rates are over 50% and I receive invitations to networking events, to appear on podcasts and to write for media and guest blogs. I’ve also attracted clients I’m thrilled to work for.

Great brand images show I’m taking myself seriously and will take my client work seriously too. The shoot has been a game-changer. 

Natalie Coulson, Founder & Director of Amped Up Marketing & Communications

         powerhouse personal branding client Natalie Coulson styled by Samantha Theron


I asked Natalie what the stand out moment for her throughout the photo shoot journey was?  She says, “importantly Sam and Simona (photographer) took time to understand what I wanted to achieve.  My business brand, with its energetic reds and black and white inspired by vintage newsprint, was cleverly translated through strong styling”. 

We can’t thank Natalie enough for her continuous support.  To be an integral part of her transformative journey has been such a pleasure.  There’s a great sense of achievement when you know the work you’re doing elevates others in business.




Find out more about Natalie and what she does at Amped Up Comms